Share Your Skills! Become an Instructor with CMS

Originally published at:

We’ve successfully pivoted to a wide array of virtual classes since the start of the pandemic and we are looking toward having a busy fall! We’d love for you to share your interest and skills with an enthusiastic audience. We are paying $36 per class hour for virtual classes. Please reach out to us by email to [email protected] to learn more and how you can share your skills!



Upcoming CMS Virtual Events!

Make a Basic Key Fob (Virtual Class)

Thursday, September 25th, 6 – 7 PM

Need a simple project & stress reliever? Join us virtually to make a basic key fob that fits over your wrist and never lose your keys again. This class will include a short demo on the Cricut Maker.

Please register and click the above link to review the supply list for this class.


Volunteer at CMS!

The Claremont Makerspace has a need for volunteer Front Desk Staff and cleaning. Deskers check people in, help maintain CMS, respond to inquiries and help keep our space accessible. Deskers also receive a discount on CMS membership. Interested in volunteering at your makerspace? Please email [email protected] for more information.


CMS Veterans’ Scholarship Program Now Expanded To Include Spouses

The Claremont Makerspace and The Red River Charitable Foundation are proud to announce the Claremont MakerSpace Veteran & Military Scholarship has now been expanded to include their spouses .

Scholarships are up to $500 per person, and will cover 75% of Membership and programming fees. Veterans or military and their spouses interested in a scholarship to become a member, or to take classes at the Claremont MakerSpace, please click here, or email us at [email protected] to learn more.


CMS COVID-19 Economic Hardship Scholarship Program

If you are suffering economic hardship as a result of loss of employment, reduction in wages or other economic hardship as a result of COVID-19, you may apply for the CMS COVID-19 Economic Hardship Scholarship Program. This program offers a 75% discount on Claremont MakerSpace membership to approved applicants for a period of up to six months. You may be able to apply for an extension at the end of the scholarship period, contingent upon available program funding.

The CMS COVID-19 Economic Hardship Scholarship Program is supported by a generous grant from the Oleonda Jameson Trust. The continued availability of this program is contingent on available funding and program renewal. Please direct questions to: [email protected]

To apply for the CMS COVID-19 Economic Hardship Scholarship Program , please complete the online application. Find more information here.


Personal Studio Spaces

CMS has personal studio spaces available for rental. While all departments of the CMS offer shared workspace, CMS Personal Studio Spaces provide personal work areas for dedicated users to call their own. Personal studio spaces are made up of 48″ dividers and come in sizes of 60 sq/ft and 100 sq/ft , with each studio including 2 power outlets and an Ethernet jack. Studio Members may fit up their studios however they wish (as long as it’s all code compliant and respectful of others). To learn more about Personal Studio Spaces & availability, click here.

What have you been working on?

Have a cool project that you’ve been working on at home? Please share it with us! Our community is excited to learn about how people are keeping busy and creative during this downtime. Please share pictures and stories with us, by emailing [email protected] and join us on our online community board.

Be Well & Happy Makin,’

The Claremont MakerSpace Team